Oneliners and quotes from movies and series.
Do you know which one?
1. Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you gonna get.
2. Open your mind.
3. Get out of my swamp!
4. The appropriate question is: when (the hell) are they!
5. Alrighty then!
6. No 'but's'. You can play extinction later.
7. You like, join the academy, and get thrown out?
8. Yea, And I'll be back for talking about them Rolexes.
9. I can't breath in this thing!
10. You know. This is the cleanest and nices police car that I have ever been in, in my life.
11. You're now entering the most secure location in the hole of England.
12. Do you find is qwizzical? When I say the name: Biggus Dickus?
13. There's four left in the box.
14. Ta, Ta, Taa. I Am Catain Chaos.
15. Sssssssssssmokin'!
16. Oh. And in case I don't see ya:
Good after noon, good evening and good night.
17. Fizzy Bubblech for me.
18. Dum-Dum! You give me Gum-gum.
19. The lord Johova, has given on to you: The 15....Oh.
Ten, ten commandments.
20. Did everyone see that? Because I will not be doing it again!

1. You stupid woman!
2. Shut ûûûp!!
3. Permission to speak, sir.
4. It will ride up with wear.
5. Just kidding!
6. She's the one with the Mercedes and room for a pony.
7. I love it when a plan comes together.
8. Oh my God. They killed Kenny!
9. And now for something completely different.
10. Computer says no.