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Hansel and Gretel were walking through the forest. They carried bread that needed some baking before they could eat them. So they looked for someone who could help. After walking for a while they saw a house with all sorts of things on the wall. They walked through the gate and up to the door.


Hansel knocked at the door. A slide opened and an old women's voice said:
"Nibble, nibble, gnaw. Who is nibbling o..." Hansel broke off the conversation and said:
"No, no, wait. Gretel went on: "We have some bread that need some baking. Maybe you have an oven where we can bake them in? Then you yourself can have one.

It stayed quiet for a while. Then the old woman continued: "I'm going to bake YOU." Then Hansel quickly said:
Oh, no, yuck, er, sorry. We'll seek a little further. Good day."
Too bad.