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My Experience

I suffer from Neurofibromatosis myself. They discovered it when I was two years old. The dermatologist told my mother. First it was just a word, but after she read more about it, she was terrified what could happen to people with this disease.

I used to have visible bumps, just like now. Children then ask me what it was in my neck. As a child I could explain to them that is has something to do with the nerves, but that it was not harmful. I also got Café-au-Lait spots e.g. on my wrist. People sometimes ask me: "Is that a bruise?" I could tell them that it wasn't and not harmful.

In the past I have often been in the hospital for console. They made an M.R.I.-scan of my vertebral column. On the photos they could see it was not good. They were surprised that I was walking. Due to the photos I would be in a wheelchair. The doctors advised me to be careful and don't shake my head to much.

Normal life
I was able to lead a normal life: I went t a ordinary school, I was on football and badminton. As a child I learned to play the piano and later on keyboards. I also made music with the computer. I finished my High school and after that I went to the MLO. I also passed my drivers license. After two years I had to stop with the MLO because of physical problems.

First problems
It started with insensibility in my knee. After that I lost power in my right hand. As a result I was unable to do laboratory tests. I was also not able to play music anymore. They removed a fibroma high in the spinal. As a result some power came back. But something came by: meningitis. They put a drain in my head to reduce the pressure in my brains. To make matters worse I had to catheterize too. another habituation.

I was then looking for another education, with the help of Social Work I found Hoensbroeck. It is a reintegration training for people with a handicap. I followed the training for Mechanical engineering draftsman. During that study I also passed my adapted drivers licence. I was able to drive again in an adapted car. Due to the training I found work and started to live on my own.

For a time all went well, until my health got worse again. I had to stop my job and was unable to drive a car at all. They tried an other operation, they placed something in my spinal to lower the pressure. With no result. I went to rehabilitation centre to be watched carefully. They tried Cyberknife to prevent the fibroma from growing any further. This also didn't work. With Dexamethasone they tried to lower the irritation of the pinching of the fibroma, but that also did'n work. As a result, I am now 'addicted' to the medicine. The only profit is that it eliminates the sickness and I started to eat better.

More depended
I went to a Fokus home where I lived for a few years. I was in an electric wheelchair. There I've contracted pressure ulcer. It had to be operated. After the operation I have to lie on my side, as a result I created a lot of moister behind the lung. The wound has healed well. Later the paraplegia, as a result of the neurofibromatosis, has affected my respiratory muscles. I had to have a tracheotomy. Thus, I could not stay with Fokus and had to go to a nursing home. They were specialized in respiration.

Nowadays I live in a form of living with care, because I'm totally depended. The only thing I can do on my own is using the computer with a computer adjustment. This website is made that way. My future is a matter of patience and hope it wont get worse.

To end my story positively:
With good care around me and my computer, I'm coming through the days...